In the middle of Europe

How to reach Bayreuth

Short distances and good connections mean it is easy to stay mobile in the region – good to know if you’re thinking of inviting friends to Bayreuth.
The Region of Bayreuth is centrally located and both quick and convenient to reach from many major cities in less than two hours – by airplane, train, long-distance coach or car. With its well-developed transport network, in Bayreuth you get where you want to go efficiently.

Flugzeug am Flughafen bei Sonnenaufgang


The closest international airports are in Nuremberg and Leipzig just 70 km and approx. 170 km away respectively. In addition, the region boasts a public airfield in Bayreuth suitable for Business-, Charter- and sightseeing flights.

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The Region of Bayreuth can be quickly and conveniently reached by car via the motorway A 9, motorway A 70 travelling towards Bamberg Frankfurt/Main, as well as federal road 303 heading towards Prague. In fact it’s possible to reach so many major German cities in just two hours.

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Long-distance coaches

Numerous bus companies provide inexpensive domestic bus connections to other cities and regions in Germany from Bayreuth and Bad Berneck. An the bus company connect Berlin and Leipzig directly to the Fichtel mountains in less than four hours.

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Frau steht vor fahrendem Zug


The Region of Bayreuth belongs to the transport association of greater Nuremberg (VGN). Moreover, on the main railway line from Nuremberg to Dresden, Bayreuth is serviced by the Franken-Sachsen-Express every two hours.
This service is complemented by the hourly regional express, connecting Bayreuth, Creußen and Pegnitz with the ICE-hub of Nuremberg.
From Bayreuth main station, there are regional train connections (Agilis company) to the Fichtel mountains, to Weidenberg and Seybothenreuth as well as to Bindlach. Tickets and can be obtained on the following pages.

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Zwei Männer auf dem Fahrrad

Out and about in the City of Bayreuth

The City of Bayreuth and its surrounds boast a well-developed local public transport network (ÖPNV). Its buses provide a quick and convenient way of getting around in the city or to the university.
In fact, Bayreuth is a city of short distances. Consequently, bicycles are a very popular form of transport, facilitated by well-developed cycle paths which quickly lead the cyclist to his or her destination.
Car-park routing quickly and conveniently guides drivers to one of the inner city multi-story carparks.