Night watchman tour

Nachtwächter in Bayreuth.

Event for Explorers

Night Watchman Tour

September 26, 2024

Are you new to Bayreuth or feel like you are? Then join our event for explorers! With a group of like-minded individuals and the night watchman, you will explore the historic center of Bayreuth. Beforehand, we will have plenty of time to get to know each other at a local Bayreuth restaurant, Engins Ponte. You can choose which part of the program you’d like to attend.

The city tour with the Bayreuth night watchman provides historical insights into the daily life of authority during the dark hours. Hear fascinating stories from the time of the margraves, as well as from well-known personalities such as Richard Wagner and Jean Paul. Please note, that the tour will be in German.

If you’ve always wanted to take a peek behind the scenes, this is your chance. So sign up right away! We look forward to seeing you!

Details & Registration

When: September 26, 2024
Meeting Points: 6:00 PM at Engins Ponte; 8:00 PM at the Tourist Information Bayreuth for the Night Watchman Tour
Cost: Free tour; individual consumption costs at the restaurant

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